Why Such an Emphasis Upon 宗教的多样性 at a Catholic Institution?

Diversity has always been a fundamental principle embodied in the university’s Holy Cross mission, which has guided the university throughout its history and can be traced back to the exhortations of the 圣十字教会的创始人, 尊敬的巴兹尔·莫罗神父, CSC. When he established the foundational principles of Holy Cross education, he implored us never to educate the mind at the expense of the heart and emphasized that education was to be employed in the cause of social justice in order to make the world a better place.

这些基本原则解释了圣. 爱德华的 and our commitment to diversity; our outreach and welcome to students of all religions, 比赛, 民族, 性别, 性取向, and economic backgrounds; and our embrace of all members of our university community as creatures of God, 被重视和尊重. 事实上, 我们对社区所有成员的拥抱是一种正念, intentional demonstration that in our daily endeavors we heed the biblical obligation to love our neighbors as ourselves. 

——E. 马丁,圣公会名誉主席. 365比分网电竞 

在一个社会和技术快速变革的时代, finding common ground through unity is a necessity for future leaders who will need to make ethical and moral decisions. 校园事工是圣. 爱德华的 where students can share knowledge of their own faith in fellowship with others, 提出问题,发现世界的真正知识.